Iron Bands Of Bilarro Dnd 5e Dmg

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Iron Bands of Binding. This rusty iron sphere measures 3 inches in diameter and weighs 1 pound. You can use an action to speak the command word and throw the sphere at a Huge or smaller creature you can see within 60 feet of you. As the sphere moves through the air, it opens into a tangle of metal bands. This website exists thanks to the contribution of patrons on Patreon. If you find these tools helpful, please consider supporting this site. Even just disabling your adblocker will help (it's only text and plain image ads I promise). 2 Rare Items Ioun stone (protection) Ioun stone (reserve) Ioun stone (sustenance) Iron bands of bilarro Mace of disruption Mace of smiting Mace of terror. The missing index from the Dungeon Master's Guide 5th edition: magic items by category. Value of Metals in D&D Metal Cost per lb. AC Description Adamantine 5,000 gp ferrous 23 An alloy of adamant (a strong but brittle metal), silver and electrum. Adamantine is black, but has a clear green sheen in candlelight - a sheen that sharpens to purple-white under the light given off.

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Iron Bands of Binding: When initially discovered, this very potent item appears to be a 3-inch-diameter rusty iron sphere with bandings on the globe.

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When the proper command word is spoken and the spherical iron device is hurled at an opponent, the bands expand and then contract to bind the target creature on a successful ranged touch attack. A single Large or smaller creature can be captured thus and held immobile until the command word is spoken to bring the bands into spherical form again. The creature can break (and ruin) the bands with a DC 30 Strength check or escape them with a DC 30 Escape Artist check. Iron bands of binding are usable once per day.

Iron Bands Of Bilarro Dnd 5e Dmg System

Strong evocation; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, grasping hand; Price 26,000 gp;Weight 1 lb.

Iron Bands Of Bilarro Dnd 5e Dmg Gun

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