Swtor Pvp Sith Warrior 10k Smash Dmg

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Tactical Items Guide in SWTOR Swtorista October 27, 2019. Tactical items are a new type of gear that was introduced to Star Wars: The Old Republic in the Onslaught expansion. You get the mission 'A New Master' after completing 'Slaying the Beast' Open the mission log: A New Master Upsetting Overseer Tremel's plans for you, Darth Baras has summoned you to his chambers on the second floor of the Sith Academy. Climb to the Sith Academy 2nd floor. Mount dmg image on mac windows 10. Baras is in a room to the NE. But first you run into Teeno and Phyne, and another two acolytes who are waiting for you.

  1. Swtor Pvp Sith Warrior 10k Smash Dmg 2017
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Rotation & Cooldowns Patch 2.10.1. A rotation is a system for ordering your abilities in a way that maximizes your damage, threat or healing. Mastering a rotation will help you to quickly prioritize abilities during actual encounters so that you will always have the highest possible output as a Immortal spec Juggernaut (Sith Warrior.). Ancient Paragon (Imp) - Images and information on how to obtain in SWTOR. Dec 28, 2019 This set is the absolute best for a Vengeance Juggernaut. It essentially gives you a 10% damage boost with 100% uptime, on top of giving a lot more stacks of Furious Power. Furious Power is the new Sith Warrior class ability, and it gives a 25% damage boost to many of your attacks when you use a charge of it. Rotation & Cooldowns Patch 2.10.1. A rotation is a system for ordering your abilities in a way that maximizes your damage, threat or healing. Mastering a rotation will help you to quickly prioritize abilities during actual encounters so that you will always have the highest possible output as a Carnage spec Marauder (Sith Warrior.). I've been told that Marauder is better than Juggernaut for Sith Warrior DPS, but I have a question a bit more specific. I personally like the idea of using just one lightsaber. I'm not a huge fan of the aesthetic for using two sabers at once. It's my understanding that the Marauder uses 2.

Rotation & Cooldowns Patch 2.10.1

A rotation is a system for ordering your abilities in a way that maximizes your damage, threat or healing. Mastering a rotation will help you to quickly prioritize abilities during actual encounters so that you will always have the highest possible output as a Immortal spec Juggernaut (Sith Warrior.)

Single Target

Single target rotations are designed for maximum damage, threat or healing on one target at a time. Single target rotations are more effective the longer you are able to focus on the same target.


Execute the following ability priority for optimal damage, threat, or healing on a single target.

  1. Saber Throw or Assault

The key to the Immortal spec Juggernaut priority system is to remember the following:

Swtor Pvp Sith Warrior 10k Smash Dmg

Swtor Pvp Sith Warrior 10k Smash Dmg 2017

  1. Use Saber Throw , Sundering Assault , or Assault if below 7 Rage.
  2. Use Sundering Assault to maintain Sunder Armor debuff.
  3. Use Crushing Blow to maintain the damage reduction buff it provides.
  4. Use Force Scream and Retaliation as often as possible for the buffs they provide.
  5. Use Smash to maintain the debuff from Quake .
  6. Follow the priority list and use higher priority abilities as often as possible.

Multiple Target (AoE)

Sith Warrior Game

Execute the following ability priority for optimal damage, threat, or healing on multiple targets.



Burst Cooldowns

Burst cooldowns are used to increase your damage, threat or healing for a brief period of time.

  • Enrage
    1. Use as needed for additional Rage.

Survivability Cooldowns

Survivability cooldowns help keep you alive and provide relief to healers.

Swtor Pvp Sith Warrior 10k Smash Dmg 2

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Swtor Pvp Sith Warrior 10k Smash Dmg 3

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